The Path Selection tool is used to make segmented selections and show the anchor points and direction lines. The Artboard tool is used to preview your Photoshop project on a canvas size and allows you to change the rotation and to add duplicate artboards. See description for Marquee Tool Set above. The Marquee tools make rectangular, elliptical, single row, and single column selections. The Magnetic Lasso Tool actively searches for edges and attaches to the selected edges. The Polygonal Lasso tool is used to perform straight edged selection of an image or object. The lasso tools make freehand selection around an image or area of your designation. The Horizontal Type Mask tool creates type-shaped selections. The Vertical Type Mask tool creates type-shaped selections. The Vertical Type tool creates and edits vector-based text in a separate layer. The Horizontal Type tool creates and edits vector-based text in a separate layer.

The Art History Brush tool paints using stylized strokes that simulate different paint styles, this is done by using a selected moment, or snapshot. The History Brush tool is used to paint a snapshot of a selected moment in the current image. The Hand Tool allows you to navigate edited images that are not fully centered in your project window. The 3D Material Drop tool is similar to the Paint Bucket tool and allows you to use selected samples on 3D objects. The areas filled in often have the same or similar colors. The Paint Bucket tool fills areas with the selected or foreground color. The Gradient tools are used to slowly blend multiple colors there are preset color schemes or you can create your own.

The Count tool counts objects in an image. The Note tool makes notes that can be attached to an image. The Ruler tool helps you position images accurately, and the tool will calculate the distance between two designated points, and provides a line when used to measure any two points. You can sample from any content available on your screen within Photoshop. The Eyedropper tool samples color to choose a new background or foreground color. The Magic Eraser tool is used to change solid colored areas into transparent areas. The Background Eraser tool erases areas to transparency by dragging. The Eraser tool removes pixels and reestablishes parts of a picture to a former saved state. The Sponge tool changes the color saturation of an area. The Dodge tool lightens areas in an image. The Perspective Crop tool lets you transform the perspective in an image while cropping. The Pattern Stamp tool uses a selected part of an image to create patterns. The Clone Stamp tool paints using a sample of a selected area within an image. The Mixer Brush tool is used to simulate painting styles, for example, canvas blending of colors and adjustable paint wetness. The Color Replacement tool replaces a selected color with a new color. The Pencil tool paints hard edged strokes. The Smudge tool smudges data in an image.

The Sharpen tool sharpens soft edges in an image. The Blur tool blurs hard edges in an image. The following Crown features are available for the following tools in Photoshop: