True to description, there's enough variants to fill any role possible and they have immense damage-potential, but unfortunately they are too situational to be practical most of the time, save for few rare exceptions., often wasting it at absurdly unsuitable targets doesn't help (for example, throwing highly limited torpedoes and other heavy anti-ship missiles. Just about the only combat-relevant information it doesn't tell you are the firing arcs of a ship's weapons. It's missing a few entries in the current version that the campaign fleet overview shows, but nothing major. The Collapse stunted the sector's nascent terraforming efforts to the point that 200 years later, the combined population of all human settlements is still an order of magnitude smaller than Earth's today.: There's an in-game Codex that gives a good level of detail on every ship, class, and variant in the game, down to individual weapon systems, ship stats, and even the in-universe history of that particular ship or weapon. There are precious few planets in the sector that are even in the ballpark of habitable, and fewer still that can truly be considered comfortable to humans. And if you afterwards do decide to remove the AI Core, it will have a perfectly rational self-preservation response.: Averted. The main problem comes from keeping the Hegemony and Luddic Path from turning hostile because of that. Don't be scared away by the fact that it's still in alpha there is a massive list of features implemented so far, and combat is already more rich and rewarding than most finished games. Capturing these early (and preventing your enemy from doing the same) helps to turn the tide of battle in your favor immensely.The game is still in early development, with new versions arriving every few months. Taking them grants more command points, extra fleet points to call in reinforcements from your main army, and even direct boosts to your fleet such as maneuvering bonuses and radar extension. While this sounds like a, it actually works well due to some rather good AI.Larger battles have an element of to them, with various types of control points appearing on the map that give bonuses when captured. You have a limited amount of command points to set objectives with, target specific enemy ships, and to position your friendly ships, which regenerate slowly as the battle progresses. Your AI officers will then assign available ships to complete those objectives, leaving your flagship to support the fleet however you feel is best.

You have direct control over your flagship, and use a tactical map to set objectives and standing orders for the rest of your fleet.

Desperate factions, from the militaristic Hegemony to the ferociously economic megacorporation Tri-Tachyon, fight over the few remaining habitable worlds, while sending scavengers out into the untouched for centuries border systems to scavenge for long lost blueprints to technology they no longer possess. The devices used to build ships and construct colonial industries became priceless and irreplaceable overnight, as the colonists lost the knowledge necessary to construct or even repair them. Partially terraformed worlds were left unfinished and largely uninhabitable, some of them lightly populated by the now decivilized colonists who were unable to leave. The Persean Sector, struck in the middle of the colonization process by the Collapse, was severely crippled by the sudden destabilization of the colonial supply effort. Is an independent /// by Fractal Softworks.The Domain of Man's latest expansion effort into the Persean Sector has been halted by the sudden and catastrophic collapse of the interstellar Gate network that connected the burgeoning empire to its colonies.